Thursday, September 27, 2012

A is for Astronaut

Picture Book

Dramatic Play Center

(We left this center up for the whole Letter Aa Week)


I used two diaper boxes, turned them inside out, and taped them together.
    (Space Shuttle Inspiration came from Mama Smiles)
    (Spaceship Controls PDF found at Vegie Smugglers)

    Astronaut's Helmet 

    We used a paper grocery bag, a paper plate with the center cut out, glue plate onto bag, cut hole in paper bag, cut bag to desired height.

    Astronaut's Jet Pack

    Turn cereal box inside out, cut off top or bottom of box, glue two toilet paper tubes inside, poke holes at top and bottom of each side, insert string/yarn, and tie.


    We had bought these binoculars at one of the dollar stores.  Instead of using real binoculars you can always glue two toilet paper tubes together and add string/yarn.


We used black construction paper, a paper plate with the center carefully cut out, the center of the plate for the face, crayons, googly eyes, glue, and star stickers.


We used the numbers version of the "Astronauts To Earth Game".
(Found at Mama Jenn)


We used the "Space Astronaut Magnet Page".  We used pennies instead of magnets.

Extra Activity

Homemade Moon Sand
(Recipe by AndyOz of HubPages)